- Why bring up the past? I see no point in opening old wounds. 干嘛又旧事重提呢?揭疮疤何益之有?
- Why try to dredge up the sad facts of the past? 过去的伤心事何必重提呢?
- In disagreements with loved ones, deal with only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past. 和所爱的人意见相左的时候,就事论事,不要翻旧帐。
- In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Do not bring up the past. 在家庭分歧中,只应付目前的情况,不要提出过去的旧了的事情。
- In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past. 与所爱的人意见不一时,要按时事处理,不要翻旧帐。
- Spend some time alon.Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.Don't bring up the past. 花些时间独处,记住,沉默有时是最好的回答。
- That is why bringing up the outrageous point that the American Ryder Cup team is better off without Tiger Woods is downright farcical. 这就是为什么我认为下面这个观点很嚣张,你看:莱德杯上,没有泰格伍兹的美国队会表现更出色。
- Never bring up mistakes of the past. 永远不要重提过去的错误。
- They aren’t fun to talk to because they always want to bring up the Stamp Act or Vietnam or some other depressingly unfunny thing from the past. 他们交谈起来不有趣,因为他们总是想实施印花税法案或者提越南或者其他一些过去的压抑无趣的事情。
- The bookkeeper was entering up the sales for the past month. 会计正把上个月的销售帐目登入帐簿。
- Withdrawing, stonewalling and bringing up the past are destructie tactics that ultimately weaken intimacy. 而退缩、阴挠及翻旧帐策略都是有损于夫妻之间感情的做法。
- You can't bring up the whole well with one bucket. 你不能用一只桶一下子就把泉水都打上来。
- I find it really hard to bring up the matter. 我真是有口难言。
- Why did you have to bring up the subject of money? 你为什么一定要提出钱的问题?
- Mrs. Shen twisted around and gestured at her husband, saying with a coquettish smile, "Why bring up that thing of mine? 沈太太扭身子向丈夫做个挥手姿势,娇笑道:“提我那东西干吗?
- Don't bring up the subject of hair with Mr. 我告诉你了,不要和斎藤提头发的事。
- Bring up the census of this county. 调出这个郡的户籍资料。
- I don't want to bring up the matter to him now. 现在我不想向他提此及此事。
- Raking up the past will only make things worse. 重翻旧账只会使事情更糟。
- I want to bring up the first point again. 我想重提一下第一点.